Please forgive me bryan adams david gray
Please forgive me bryan adams david gray

please forgive me bryan adams david gray

We must be willing to get still and listen to the true drumming and thrumming of our heart beats. We don’t know it all, and we can’t pretend to. So how do we learn to listen to forgiveness when her whisper is so quiet, yet admittedly so sweet? We must come to her like a child. Instead we’re just paralyzing ourselves, keeping ourselves from living the best life we are meant to live. We grow so used to it, we think it must be what we need, where we should invest our time and emotion. We relive it like a broken record that never stops replaying. We can’t forgive and we definitely can’t forget, so we get mired in the past. We don’t allow ourselves to live in and enjoy the now. We create a toxic cloud around ourselves that prevents us from truly seeing what is in front of our eyes in the present. When we carry around our pain, disappointment and hurt over all the ways people have wronged us in the past, we block ourselves from moving forward. In fact, I think forgiveness is one of the strongest things we can do, not only to others, but for ourselves.


Sometimes people fear that learning how to forgive is a sign of showing weakness.

please forgive me bryan adams david gray

Sure they both need to let go off hurtful things said, past wrongs, poor choices, and yes, that damn variable of bad timing. Sometimes their partner has the patience to stand by their side, give them space, while still letting them know they are loved and admired. It’s a process, often brutal and never simple. Some peoples’ walls have been built up so high from all their past bad experiences with other people at other times, they genuinely don’t know how to let other people back in again. She can once again feel your respect and admiration for her.įorgiveness often remains just at the edge of our fingertips, waiting to be learned. Her walls have been let down and she can trust you with her love again. You will have to pay for this transgression until you’ve earned entry through that door that leads you back into your partner’s inner circle. You will have to say it so that he/she knows it in their core that you mean it. You will have to say you’re sorry, feeling it and meaning it from the bottom of your heart. You will have to treat the injured party like a king or queen, respectively. You will have to realize that you can’t keep everything to yourself anymore. You will have to spend some serious time working to regain their trust.

please forgive me bryan adams david gray

You can’t just win them back with a joke or a bouquet of flowers. And because of this, they’ve lost some degree of faith in you. You have seriously hurt someone, probably someone you care about very much. Or, “I forgot to tell you that I’m actually living here illegally, and I have another family in Mexico.” You must bow down to your ego and realize that you aren’t as clever or as wise as you thought you were. Big lies that can’t be simply explained as I just didn’t want to hurt you by telling you the brunt reality. There are some things that can’t and shouldn’t be so easily forgiven. Once you have been forgiven of your transgressions, the matter is truly over, left in the past where it should be buried in a shallow grave, given its proper regards. Before anyone even has to open their mouth to beg for forgiveness, she has been freely, fully given, with no conditions or catches. Sometimes she flows so freely from your every pore, like air from your lungs.

Please forgive me bryan adams david gray